• Strategic direction analysis and risk management
  • Cost identification and forecasting
  • Firm positioning analysis and strategic development
  • Business line analysis and development
  • New product market analysis
  • Capital investment analysis
  • From the shop floor to the C-Suite
  • From the largest producers to the smallest independent raw material provider
  • From most of the steel producing companies around the world
  • Financial database development and analysis
  • Data collection system validation and governance
  • Capital structure analysis and planning
  • Cash flow generation analysis
  • Asset valuation
  • Chinese Wall due diligence trips
  • Project finance management
  • Greenfield/brownfield business model development
  • Roadshow materials production
  • Venture capital identification and solicitation
  • Evaluation & enrichment of investor relations program
  •  Board presentation preparation
  • Governance oversight evaluation
  • Ability to serve both mid-size and multi-national companies


  • Supply/demand trend forecasting and pricing analysis
  • Metallics balance identification by raw material segment
  • Trade relations
  • Freight & logistics
  • Take-or-pay contracts
  • Conference programming
  • Executive placement
  • Expert testimony
  • In-depth reports
  • Summary reports
  • Power Point presentations
  • Excel databases
  • Supporting graphs and tables
  • E-mail and web-based products
  • In-depth executive report on the electrical steel market to support a capital investment decision.
  • DSO iron ore project development in Central America in preparation for potential capital investment.
  • Debriefing and training session with international steel producer’s sales department.
  • Strategic advisory work with market segment data providers.
  • Developed, programmed and launched WSD’s Steel Success Strategies (SSS) Turkey conference, 2013.
  • Conference programming for SSS London 2009 to 2011.
  • NABE webinar presentation on the impact to the steel industry from the shale gas discoveries.
  • Expert witness, Singapore tribunal 2011, regarding Philippine mill start-up failure due to lack of proper capitalization.
  • Expert witness report preparation Egyptian court for a senior executive jailed for corruption 2012, Singapore tribunal over capitalization dispute 2011, USA arbitration for a major mill in a breach of contract dispute 2010.
  • Co-ordinated with WSD’s Director of Chinese Research to produce the Chinese Core Report from 2009 to 2011.
  • In-depth market based reports on the global slab market, the USA pipe market, and the MENA bar market.
  • Development of WSD’s Cyclone integrated and EAF mill cost models and report.
  • Development of WSD’s Steel Thermometer chart series and report.
  • Banking studies for SeverCorr, Columbus, MS, an EAF-based electrical steel mill, a next generation micro-rebar mill and a silicon metal company (report never completed), USA.
  • Facility review and analysis for capital investment at Zaporizhstal, Ukraine.
  • Acting CFO and pre-bank financing business planning for Nusantara, Malaysia.
  • Pre-banking business planning through feasibility study including preliminary equipment engineering for Minnesota Iron & Steel, Eveleth, MN, USA.
  • Prepared Boston Market profile for acquisition financing, resurrecting a dead over-shopped deal and ultimately was outbid by McDonald’s, Denver, CO, USA.
  • Privatization of Huta Katowice, Poland.
  • On the M&A team for the sale of 3 apparel companies and a dialysis company, USA.
  • On the deal team for 12 IPOS, 7 Secondary Offerings & 2 Private Placements, USA.